Best Temperature for Explosive Marijuana Growth in All Stages – Bonza Blog
Best Temperature for Explosive Marijuana Growth in All Stages:
Many may not know it, but the temperature has a drastic effect on growing plants especially indoors. By optimizing temperatures, growers can produce potent, fragrant, and beautiful cannabis. But, a slight change in the grow room’s temps can mean disaster.
For a successful harvest, temperatures should be between 20ºC and 30ºC when the lights are turned on. On the other hand, a 5ºC drop is ideal during the hours in which lights are switched off. The maximum difference between day-time and night-time climate is 10ºC. Otherwise, the plant may redirect its energy to growing longer stems or producing less than impressive buds. So, it is vital for anybody set on cultivating marijuana in the comfort of their own homes to understand what temperature means to plants.
Growth. The right temperature encourages plants to grow faster. However, this depends on the time of day and the growth stage of the plant.
Humidity. Humidity and temperature go hand in hand when it comes to growing cannabis to its fullest potential. Depending on the amount of water in the air at a specific temperature, issues such as stretching or being overridden by molds and fungus can arise.
Colors. Changes in a bud’s color usually happen in the second half of the flowering stage. Often dependent on lineage, hues can range from purples to blues, reds to pinks, yellows to oranges, and even dark greens to black. However, extreme temperatures can inhibit the production of chlorophyll and modify the plant’s vibrancy.
Taste and smell. Controlling the temperature, as well as the humidity, of a grow room can significantly affect the quality of buds. If it is too high, it may “burn” the bud, causing the top area to be hard and crisp. Not only that, it can reduce its density and create foxtails.
Drying and curing. Also referred to as cannabis cutting, this process takes advantage of having the right temperature to produce less harsh and better-smelling buds with stronger potency.
Too Cold or Hot?
There are two major problems that plants face when grown inside a room or tent. And, not surprisingly, they are both related to temperature. More specifically, it is either of the two extremes in the spectrum.
When it’s too hot, cannabis can turn into a breeding ground for various afflictions and insects. While the heat does not necessarily kill the plant, it can cause it to be unhealthy. Instead of boasting a cream-colored hue, roots may turn brown and produce a slimy and mushy texture as it rots.
Because of root decay, the plant grows slowly. It concentrates on stretching while its leaves wilt and curl. Meanwhile, its tips suffer from a burn. As a result of its debility, it falls victim to spider mites that suck up essential nutrients and leave a range of orange, yellow, and white speckles.
On the other side of the spectrum is extreme cold. In the absence of sufficient heat, low temperatures can block the plant from absorbing food necessary for its growth. Worse, these unabsorbed vitamins and minerals are likely to cause higher acidity rates in the root environment. In turn, it results in less food for the plant.
When this happens, one must assume two possible scenarios – the growth of the plant coming to a halt or, worse, its death. Thus, a seemingly small factor such as temperature should never be taken for granted.
Finding the Optimal Temperature
Before anything else, growers should take factors such as the strain’s extraction rates, the number of lights, ventilation, and the size and location of the grow room into account. Once these have been addressed, it is time to determine the best temperature.
To put it simply, marijuana thrives best when exposed to a comfortable environment. However, comfortability is relative to its growth stage. Generally speaking, cannabis goes through three stages before reaching harvest:
Seedling. Because of their underdeveloped root systems, seedlings need loads of light and heat. But, because they are quite young, they cannot tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, it is recommended that growers maintain 20ºC to 25ºC environment when the light is turned on.
Humidity levels should also be high. As alluded to earlier, humidity and temperature go hand and hand in the development of a plant. A level between 65% and 70% is enough for seedlings to absorb water through their leaves.
Vegetative. As cannabis plants grow older, they become more robust. It starts to be more resistant to heat and cold. During this time, the temperature may be raised up to 30ºC.
As the roots can absorb a good amount of water, growers may lower the humidity levels by 5% for each week that passes. Ideally, the range should be around 40% to 70%.
Flowering. In the final phase, breeders can benefit from maintaining temperatures similar to when the plants were seedlings. By keeping the temperature at 20ºC to 26ºC, buds avoid having their terpenes burnt off. And, so, it can produce flavorful flowers that are potent.
Humidity levels should be kept low too, at a 40% to 50% limit. Lowering both the temperature and relative humidity levels as the plants move to the late flowering stage is also a smart move.
Growers should take note that suggested temperature difference for when the lights are turned off is 5ºC. This is applicable to all stages of development.
How to Measure Temperature
When monitoring the temperature, one must always understand it is never consistent throughout the whole room. Because of this, growers should also take measurements in shaded areas as well.
Thermometers are the best and most cost-effective way of measuring temperature. Moreover, it is readily available in analog or digital form.
As the whole process can get tedious, some may opt to place thermometers in multiple areas or hang one from a wire for a quick glance.
Besides this, growers should also invest in a tool that measures moisture such as a hygrometer. As mentioned earlier, both the humidity and the temperature of the room play a vital role in influencing indoor growth. Thus, measuring the amount of water in the air is equally important. In which case, a hygrometer should be purchased to supplement the thermometer.
Thanks to the advent of technology, however, companies now sell hygro-thermometers. These devices conveniently monitor both conveniently. With it, cultivators will no longer need to switch between two measuring displays.
Adjusting the Temperature in the Weed Room
It is important to remember that marijuana flourishes in temperatures roughly similar to what humans enjoy. Thus, weed rooms should never be too hot or too cold but, instead, be “just right.”
In spite of this, growers continue to run into the problem of insulation. That is because the artificial environment in which cannabis grows produces a lot of heat. Of course, over the years, growers have found different ways to address this dilemma.
Lowering heat
To lower heat, some adjustments in the grow room should be carried out. These include changing the grow lights and the light schedule as well as installing exhaust systems.
Great for growing plants, lights are an essential part of any habitat. However, they produce a significant portion of the heat circulating within the artificial ecosystem, especially high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights. Though great for harvest, HPS lamps can spike temperatures by up to 50ºC in a small tent.
There are two ways to remedy this. One of which is switching schedules. Perhaps the easiest of the two, this method incorporates the idea of only using lights at certain times of the day.
For example, if a hot spell is affecting the heat inside the greenhouse, then one could turn off the lights during those hours. At night, when it is colder, lights should be turned on to prevent possible death.
The second is laying an exhaust system in place. This procedure involves installing extractor fans that redirect fresh air indoors, vent heat trapped within, and releasing them outside. Often, any marijuana smell is blocked by a carbon filter placed in extractor fans. The volume of extraction can be calculated by dividing the number of watts by two. So, a single 600-watt HPS would require an exhaust fan of 300 m3.
If these two methods fail to work, growers may choose to have additional fans or swamp coolers. Both are effective at cooling the air and balancing humidity.
Increasing heat
Besides switching to HPS systems, cannabis cultivators can also add space heaters or radiators for greenhouses that are not well insulated such as those located in the basement. A simple one controlled by a thermostat works perfectly well so long as no heat blows directly toward a plant.
Though it is a convenient solution, it can rack up electric bills. A cheaper alternative would be a fan that has a timer or can be controlled with a thermostat. Once the lights are out, the exhaust fan will automatically turn off and allow heat to remain inside.
On the other hand, if the problem is with distributing heat, then growers can place swivel fans around the room. To ensure it balances out cold spots, aim the fans in the middle of the plant and the lamp above it.
Temperature Is Everything
When it comes to successfully cultivating cannabis indoors, the right temperature is everything. Unfortunately, keeping a grow room comfortable is taxing. Still, it is a necessary step in producing potent, beautiful, and dense buds. But, with many options to choose from, the task becomes easier.
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