Categories: Strain Review

Tutankhamon Strain Review – Bonza Blog


Tutankhamon, named after a mighty Pharaoh, is a strain with a power befitting the king of Egypt. Fittingly, the herb’s THC level tops at 29%, making it one of the strongest Sativa-dominant hybrids in the world. 

Its fast-acting effects instantaneously uplifts the mood but can sometimes be too intense. Apart from its happy high, the iconic AK-47 variant also promises a skunky aroma that delivers a functional, head-focused buzz when drawn in. 

TIP: Looking to buy Tutankhamon seeds? Visit the Bonza ILGM cannabis seed shop

King Tut takes much of the same energizing traits as the original AK-47 but, unlike its parent, this herb is not inviting to beginners. It is, undoubtedly, a veteran’s strain as only seasoned users can withstand its racy uptick high. 

This is not to say that novices should stay completely away from the strain. In the right dose, it can overrule stress and pump the mind with just the right vigor.

Tutankhamon Strain Quick Facts
Genetic Lineage AK-47
Sativa / Indica Ratio 80/20
THC % 16% to 29%
CBD % 0.1% to 0.4%
Climate Mediterranean climate
Flowering Period 8 to 9 weeks / Late September to early October
Average Yield 550 to 600 g/sqm / 480 to 600 g/plant

Odor and Flavors

Tutankhamon’s palate is well-composed of a mixture of damp soil. A subtle citric twist is notable from what seems like a sprinkle of lemon skin shavings. Tickling one’s senses is a skunky overtone that gives the strain a rather spicy smoke on the exhale.


Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, may leave a devastating impression due to the curse that is well-associated with its moniker. It does not help that the strain has a rather intimidating potency as well. In truth, though, its effects serve more of a blessing in disguise as it promptly facilitates laughter and an all-around optimistic mindset.

Tutankhamon Effects – Image powered Sensibleseeds.com

Everything about the herb is designed to rouse the mind – from its lemon-scented vapor to its swift onset that fills the head with euphoria. The surge of energy also keeps individuals mentally engaged as ideas swarm users in a burst of creativity. Feeling enthusiastic, engaging in productive tasks is not at all consuming or tiring.

TIP: Looking to buy Tutankhamon seeds? Visit the Bonza ILGM cannabis seed shop

It may leave one in a contagiously giggly mood too, making it a perfect strain to share with a crowd. Wallflowers are in luck as it brings out one’s inner social butterfly finally takes flight.

Not one to leave the body behind in spite of its intense mental high, its physical effects soon follow. Defined by a soothing, deeply relaxing sensation, it replaces tiredness with the humming energy of a user fires up motivation.

While its positive kick is tantalizing, veterans and beginners alike should not challenge the strain’s potency. It will trigger the curse circling around the Egypt’s boy king

Adverse Reactions

For the inexperienced, provoking this royal herb may cause an uncomfortable trip. It can trigger a subtle feeling of paranoia within high doses. Starting with a low dosage produces more stable high instead of a jittery buzz.

TIP: Looking to buy Tutankhamon seeds? Visit the Bonza ILGM cannabis seed shop

Sudden movements can cause mild dizziness to some, while most go through the quintessential cottonmouth and dry eyes. This is because the active compounds in cannabis affect with the saliva production of people. Preparing refreshments like water or juice can help ease the discomfort, though it should be noted that it won’t completely get rid of it.

Medical Use and Benefits

Tutankhamon is well appreciated for the therapeutic relief it provides patients. It soothes the anxious mind through the anxiolytic properties it possesses. Replacing the worries are a calming euphoria and a sense of self-assurance.

Meanwhile, its uplifting anti-depressant qualities appease symptoms of depression and other mental health issues. Meanwhile, the energetic high alleviates symptoms of stress like fatigue. It prompts stability and productivity that lasts far beyond the better part of day.

Tutankhamon Medical – Image powered Sensibleseeds.com

The same psychoactive compound also boasts of analgesic features. Highly valued for its painkilling body buzz, it relieves various aches beginning from the temples.

Having an ample amount of CBD contributes to its pain management as well, although without the typical sedative aftermath. Instead, tightness in the muscles are merely relaxed.

Growing White Widow

Tutankhamon, like the boy pharaoh, is not tall. In fact, its highest height is at 75cm – making it a fine choice to cultivate when limited by space. Not only that, it has a sturdy structure with branches that can hold the weight of its massive buds.

TIP: Looking to buy Tutankhamon seeds? Visit the Bonza ILGM cannabis seed shop

However, it is prone to fungal diseases due to its tightly clustered foliage. Controlling the moisture level is essential in keeping the plants free from any sickness. At the same time, regularly pruning or trimming the plants will improve air and light circulation. This should be done not more than 2 to 3 weeks into flowering though, or it might hurt the plant’s yields.

When grown indoors, using hydroponics as a medium may help the plant reach its full potential. Its flowering time can be shortened when the Sea of Green setup is applied too. As early as 8 to 9 weeks, growers reap a whopping average of 550 to 600 grams of buds per square meter.

Tutankhamon Growing – Image powered Sensibleseeds.com

Meanwhile, outdoor cultivation produces results that are just as promising. Its weakness against humidity requires the plant to be sowed under a constantly sunny and dry environment, so northerners may need to harvest by September or early October just before the frost hits. Otherwise, its flowering period will stretch. Under optimal conditions, it blesses its growers with a massive yield of 600 grams of buds per plant.

Have you grown or used the Tutankhamon Strain? If not, would you like to get your hands on this strain? Please leave a comment to let us know what you think. We want to hear from you.